Symptoms of PMS

PMS has become the brunt of a lot of bad jokes—guys even joke that they have PMS! It's not so unusual for people to blame PMS for other problems or illness. So it's important that you know if what you're going through really is PMS.

How to figure out if you have PMS
Keep a journal or a calendar. Write down which symptoms of PMS you get and when. Rate each symptom by how bad it is—mild, moderate, or terrible and nasty! Then write down when you get your period. If you get the symptoms ten to three days before your period, and only during that time, and if they go away when your period starts, chances are that it really is PMS.

If you have the symptoms of PMS at all times of the month, you might just be having a challenging case of puberty. The good news is: Puberty ends! If you are past puberty and have PMS symptoms that hang on long after your period starts, you may have other conditions that need to be treated. For example, dizziness that lasts throughout the month is something that you should see a doctor about. If you feel sad or lose interest in fun activities for a long period of time, there may be something else going on besides PMS.

Use your common sense. Don't ignore any symptom or pain that goes on too long.


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