Keeping A Secret

Let's be honest: We love to know things that others don't. Secrets are a fact of life. The problems occur when keeping a secret becomes challenging. A recent study found that four in 10 women had trouble keeping a secret, no matter how personal or confidential the news was. And two-thirds ended up feeling guilty after spilling the beans.

When someone tells us something in confidence, it's because he or she trusts us enough to listen and keep our mouth shut. When we don't, trust is lost. Part of growing up is learning to distinguish the times when revealing information makes you a snitch from the times when telling a secret (such as when a friend's health and safety is at stake) might be the right thing to do.

Keeping a SecretWhy do people keep secrets?
People may worry that if certain information is known, they will be judged or looked down upon or that someone will use that information against them.

Keeping a Secret—Is there a difference between a good secret and a bad secret?
Yes. A good secret is not harmful to you or anyone else. Examples would be keeping a secret about an upcoming surprise party or a wrapped Christmas present. All kinds of personal information including passwords, address and phone numbers when you're online should remain private. A bad secret might concern a friend or family member who is in trouble and risking her health and safety. Whether it's drug-related or bad-crowd-related, those secrets that make anyone feel scared, uncomfortable, sad, or angry should be shared.

Keeping a Secret—How can you do the noble, trustworthy thing when keeping a piece of juicy information to yourself is so hard?
You'll quickly get a reputation as a gossipmonger if you start talking bad about others behind their back. If you get into this habit, chances are you are going to blurt out someone's secrets. Fight the urge to spill. Walk away, bite your lip, or change the subject. Think of yourself as a loyal and trustworthy person.
·         Tell a white lie if you have to. Try to forget about the secret. The less it's on your mind, the easier it is when keeping a secret.
·         Talk about the secret with the person who told it to you. Discussing it should help quiet the urge to share it with others.

Keeping a SecretWhat if you blurt out a friend s secret?
Apologize. No excuses. Nothing beats sincerity. Even if you're being yelled at, try not to lose your temper. Take the blame, say you're sorry, and learn from the experience never to make the same mistake again.

Keeping a Secret—Can keeping a secret be bad for you?
Yes. Keeping a secret can cut you off from others. If you have to keep a difficult secret for a long time, it can provoke anxiety and worry. Living with these emotions can lead to stress, which can lead to stomachaches and headaches.

Sometimes with secrets there are no easy answers. Part of growing up is making that hard decision to keep silent. But that hardship is important in helping us define who we are and what we believe in.


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